Biodiversity / Plants
Shrubs & Herbs
If trees give the Park its gravity, creating the outlines of the scene, it is the shrubs and herbs that provide the gaiety and the colour. Flowers can be found somewhere in the Park in almost all seasons. Many will be familiar to the avid gardener, because the Himalayas have been a source of many exotic shrubs and herbs transported to Europe and North America. Among these are the genera Berberis, Daphne, Desmodium, Lonicera, Indigofera, Ribes, Rhamnus, Sorbaria and Viburnum . Two species of hill bamboos (Arundinaria spp.) occur, forming dense clumps that are used by pheasants and other birds for feeding and breeding. Many plant climbers and vines also occur, increasing the diversity of the middle levels of the forest.
List of Threatened Plants
Threatened Flora
Species | Altitude(m) | IUCN Threat Status |
Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle | 3,300-4,200 | CR |
Atropa acuminata Royle | 1,500-3,000 | CR |
Dactylorhiza hatageria (D. Don.) Soo | 2,800-4,000 | CR |
Jurinea macrocephala (DC.) Benth. | 3,000-4,300 | CR |
Meconopsis aculeata Royle | 3000-4,300 | CR* |
Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. | 3,200-4,200 | CR |
Saussurea gossipiphora D.Don | 3,800-4,500 | CR* |
Angelica glauca Edgew. | 2,000-2,800 | EN |
Arnebia benthami (Wall. ex G. Don) I. M. Johnston | 3,300-4,000 | EN |
Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnston | 3,500-4,400 | EN |
Berberis aristata DC. | 1,200-1,500 | EN |
Betula utilis D.Don. | 3,300-4,000 | EN |
Dioscorea deltoidea Wall. | 2,000-3,000 | EN |
Fritillaria roylei Hook. | 2,800-4,000 | EN |
Malaxis muscifera Lind. | 2,000-3,000 | EN |
Nardostachys grandiflora DC. | 3,600-4,300 | EN |
Paris polyphylla Smith | 2,000-3,000 | EN |
Podophyllum hexandrum Royle | 2,400-4,000 | EN |
Polygonatum cirrhifolium Royle | 1,500-3,000 | EN |
Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All | 2,500-3,500 | EN |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | 1,500-3,300 | EN |
Saussurea obvallata (DC.) Edgew. | 3,600-4,500 | EN |
Taxus wallichiana Zucc. | 2,100-3,300 | EN |
Zanthoxylum armatum DC. | 1,200-1,800 | EN |
Aconitum violaceum Jacq. ex Stapf | 3,300-4,200 | VU |
Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf. | 3,300-4,500 | VU |
Hypericum perforatum L. | 2,000-3,000 | VU |
Juniperus communis L. | 2,800-4,000 | VU |
Rheum australe D. Don | 3,000-4,200 | VU |
Rheum webbianum Royle | 3,000-4,000 | VU |
Roscoea alpine Royle | 2,400-3,500 | VU |
Roscoea procera Wall. ex Bak. | 2,000-3,000 | VU |
Selinum connifolium | 2,500-3,500 | VU |
Selinum vaginatum Clarke | 2,500-3,500 | VU |
Skimmia laureola Sieb. & Zucc. | 2,200-3,200 | VU |
Symplocos paniculata (Thumb.) Miq. | 1,500-2,500 | VU |